Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Spanish 1: Chapter 4 Project

Chapter 4 Project: Spanish Menu

Objective: Using vocabulary from Chapter 4 of your textbook, as well as any additional vocabulary that you find in your research, create a menu for a restaurant in Spanish.

1.      Choose a Spanish speaking country for your restaurant.
2.      Choose a name for your restaurant.
3.      For each category listed below, include 1 authentic dish from the country you have chosen. Make sure to include at least:
a.      3 breakfast dishes
b.      3 lunch dishes
c.       3 appetizers
d.      3 dinner dishes
e.      3 desserts
f.        3 drinks
4.      Give each platter a realistic price in the currency of the country you have chosen.
5.      Make sure you include:
a.      a cover design for your menu
b.      the name of the restaurant
c.       illustrations of at least 4 items featured on the menu

d.      explanations of the different foods on the menu.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Webquest: Al-Andalus

Webquest: Islamic Influences in Ancient and Modern España

Please create a word document that you will submit via turnitin. Questions 1, 2 and 4 may be answered in English. The rest must be answered in Spanish. The more you write the better!

1. What do Muslims believe about the ancient prophets of the religions of Judaism and Christianity?

2. What can you learn about Art in the Muslim world from this website?

3. What is Al-Andalus? Descríbelo en Español. 

4. Which cities were of major importance in Al-Andalus? Why were they important? Include any important Muslim landmarks from the period.

6. Describe la invasión de España por los musulmanes.

7. ¿Cuáles influencias tenía el árabe en la lengua española?